– vincitori del Caorle Film Festival 2020 nella categoria miglior film low budget

Una pellicola come La Torta Sul Davanzale è frutto di uno sforzo comune, siamo quindi lieti di mostrarvi questo speciale “insight” dove attori e tecnici ci raccontano il valore intrinseco del film scritto e diretto da Tomaso Pirotta. link SUB: https://filmfreeway.com/projects/1904583 link ITA: https://filmfreeway.com/projects/1867507 … la password la sapete, in caso contrario desmondmoviespack@gmail.com 🙂


Franco, emerging director and one of four brothers is on the brink of depression, unable to bring his last project to an end, lives a seemingly empty life because he’s now only able to see his failures and mediocrities. Little did he know that everything was about to change because of a young girl named Margherita, she loves to live her life to the full and without compromises and she is going to show Franco a whole new truth about himself and the perspective that he was looking for.

Ringraziando per la bellissima traccia “elefanti” la band THE HONOLULU, li trovate su facebook https://www.facebook.com/Thehonolulu/  

stay turned for El Polo and STAY AT HOME!!!

seguiteci anche su INSTAGRAM —-> https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HVOciqVXf/

La Torta è anche citata del bellissimo progetto del Liceo Artistico Giacomo e Pio Manzù, del fantastico Enrico De Pascale:



BACKSTAGE e INTERVISTE – LaTortaSulDavanzale / The Cooling Cake + bloopers
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